-Exercise Step -Distance calculation –Calories –Heart Rate monitoring-To keep a track of your health with daily progress reports. Keep track of your sleep with sleep tracking –Wireless Music –Sleep Monitor– Now keep a track of your sleep quality and analyze how much was your deep sleep and how much was Light sleep and track your total sleep time and wake up with –Wireless calls –Short Message Reminder-Never miss out on any message or call or any other important notifications -Information Reminder -Intelligent Alarm Clock -Sedentary Remind-Get water drinking reminders and sedentary reminders to make sure that you stay hydrated and active the whole day. -Multi-Exercise-Mode-With all new 15 sports modes track each activity efficiently and effectively. -Blood Pressure Monitoring -Finding for Phone -Raise Hand for Brightness -Connecting with Social app -Shake & Take Photos -Badminton -HD Display-See the bigger and brighter picture with HD Display & Controlled brightness -Multiple Sports Mode-Helps you to keep a track of your workout and the Activity Map.
- Product Code: JB-W6
- Commodity: Smart Watch
- Quantity: 1U.
- Country of Origin: INDIA
- Customer Care No.: +91 9667798277
- E-mail ID: [email protected]
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